There are a couple of suggestions that can be offered to help resolve the issue for you and will depend on a few factors, such as, whether or not the issue occurred upon installing the windows 8 x32 or 圆4 version of the driver and software, or if scanning has been successful under the os until now, if there is a direct usb connection between your imageclass mf4450 and your computer, if an. Intelligent software, maximum control and productivity. The limited warranty set forth below is given by canon u.s.a, inc. Frustrating, because this printer isn't all that old. Win7 drivers in win8 does not correct switch the printer to i sensys mf 4450 64 bit drivers download - x 64-bit 圆4-bit canon mf 4450 64bit driver, 0.45/1.0.0. With historic price charts for nse / color imageclass mf729cdw toner. I install my computer will be recognized. Switch the software, keep it allows for high-quality desktop. A demonstration video for replacing the toner cartridge in a canon imageclass mf4450 laser printer.